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Wilkin, Robert N., April 12, 1948


Revision as of Apr 2, 2015 12:43:03 PM, created by

                                                        APR 14   RECD

WORKERS FOR WORLD SECURITY 222 Union Commerce Building Cleveland 14, Ohio

                                April 12, 1948

Mr. Harold C. Urey Vice Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 1126 E. 59th St. Chicago 37, Illinois

My dear Mr. Urey:

  I am writing you to let you know that the editors of the papers in Cleveland have expressed a willingness to publish the statement as was made on the radio Sunday night calling on the people of the world to rise up and form a world government with or without Russia in time to save civilization.   If you would be willing in this statement to enthusiastically endorse Workers for World Security,  I think it would be helpful in getting many of our pledge blanks returned that are partially filled and still in the hands of workers. 
   Mr. Howard,  President of the Editors' Association of America,  who is a sponsor of this organization,  will have as the guest of honor on his right President Truman at their dinner next week.   At this time,  Mr. Howard is planning to arrange with the President to receive the thousands of names that have been pledged to the purpose of this organization.   At the same time a representative of every foreign country will be there to flash the news of this organization to the world.   It has already been arranged that the news release and broadcasting companies will cooperate in endeavoring to get the people of the world to rise up and demand a world government so strong that wars cannot exist. 
   Anything that you could do to help crystalize the desire behind this organization will be greatly appreciated. 
                            Sincerely yours, 
                           /s/ Robert N. Wilkin