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Fletcher, William G., February 16, 1947


Revision as of Mar 26, 2015 2:38:12 PM, created by

617 St. Charles New Orleans 12, La. Feb. 16, 1947

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau St. Princeton, New Jersey


  A recent newspaper which noted excerpts from Albert Einstein's pamphlet, "Only Then Shall We Find Courage," specified as published by you.  The thoughts expressed struck me as being so utterly significant (as I suppose it is of utter importance that we all should be so struck then by literal explosion of the subject) that I am herewith enclosing the dime mentioned in the article as the procurer of the pamphlet, which I'll anxiously await.  And may I congratulate you fine cause.  
                                Very truly yours,
                             William G. Fletcher