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Fish, Elmer, February 7, 1948.


Revision as of Mar 28, 2015 12:41:22 PM, created by

                                                                   FEB 11   RECD

1108 5th SW Canton, Ohio Feb. 7, 48

Dear Miss Ray:

  At this writing The Bulletin A-S. hasn't arrived yet, but this is only Sat. I want to thank you for it, and your nice letter.  As you by now that I have a more than average interest in the progress of this science.  Absolute and grimly Doomsday as it portends for the best elements of the human race, it still, this bomb and its' offspring, radiation gases, holds a terrific fascination for me.  Simply because I never cease to marvel at the power of so small a quantity of material causing such devastating destruction.  The whole logic, or achievement of scientific men in creating this thing have been a horrendous mistake, because of the irreversible fact of the secret of atomic fission.  None the less as one small obscure voice, I don't hold these men for a moral responsibility, in liberating this secret of nature as an "Absolute Weapon" against mankind.  Furthermore the joint letter which scientists wrote to President of U.S. revealing the long range effect of using the bomb, and the fact that their letter was ignored, should absolve them entirely of any blame, personal, moral