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Benjamin, Eric, June 19, 1947

Revision as of Sep 9, 2015 9:26:46 AM, created by

                                                      JUN 16  RECD

Whip the frayed ends of personal selfishness, Lay up the weak strands of class and party strife, Remake the nation's life — single, staunch and strong, And pull together for a better world for all.


17 Waymouth Street Adelaide, Australia Telephone C. 3717 4-6-47

Office-bearers: Dr. Charles Duguid, President Professor G. V. Portus, Vice-President L. McL. Wright, LL.B., Vice-President Treasurer, Alex Driver S. D. Dunn, Minute Secretary

Secretary: Erie Benjamin

Professor Albert Einstein, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 90 Maffan Street, Princeton, New Jersey.

Dear Sir,

 Having recently come in contact with a publication "The Peacemaker" which printed your 'open latter', we write to assure you of our hearty agreement with you and to offer you such help as we can give in furthering your plan to educate the people of the world to the dangers of the atomic bomb. 
  "Common Cause" is an organization which is non partisan and non-sectarian;  it has no connection with Communism.   Its objectives are
 To seek the truth that makes man free, 
 To work for international goodwill and cooperation, 
 To work for the abolition of poverty unemployment racial discrimination and inequalities of opportunity for education health and leisure. 
  Our President,  Dr. Charles Duguid, is a well known surgeon in Adelaide and one of the best known public figures in Australia. His background is given in full in "Who's Who in Australia".   Our Vice-Presidents are professor G.V. Portus of the University of Adelaide, a well known solicitor in Adelaide. 
  Our activities during the past year have included an address by Professor Marcus Oliphant om  'The future of Science'.   With the support of thirty five independent societies the audience more  than filled the Town Hall.  The speech was broadcast. 
  It was Common Cause and not the Communists that, under the direction of Dr. Duguid, originated and organized the protest against a rocket range across Australia and against the perfecting of rockets to carry atomic bombs.  Now we are calling