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Otterbeck, Finn, World Student Federalists, July 7, 1948.

Revision as of Apr 7, 2015 1:50:14 PM, created by

                                                        JUL 12   RECD 

WORLD STUDENT FEDERALISTS Jeunesses Federalistes Mondiales 20, Buckingham Street London, W.C.2. England

7th. July, 1948

Prof. Albert Einstein, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc., 90, Nassau Street, Princeton, N.J.

Dear Prof. Einstein,

 I write to you on behalf of the International Executive Committee of World Student Federalists. 
   As I am sure you know,  we shall have an International Congress at Hastings,  on the South coast of England,  from the end of August to the beginning of September of this year.   We hope this Congress will gather together young federalists from all parts of the world in order to activise our movement and co-ordinate our work for world peace through a World Federal Government. 

  We have one great difficulty,  however,  in getting German and a lot of Continental federalists to the Congress.   They are eager to attend,  but it is impossible for them to raise the money.   We,  on our part,  are at the moment in a very bad economical position,  and are unable to cover their expenses.
  I ask you therefore on behalf of a great number of young federalists,  who are working very hard for our federal ideas in order to raise a better standard of living in a new and happier world,  if it is possible in one or another way to raise a certain sum of money,  about $ 1000,  within your Committee in order to give these young federalists a chance to attend our Congress.   That will be of great importance for our work.   
  I am sure you will do what you can in order to help us,  and I hope to hear from you soon. 
