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Wurmser, Roger, June 17, 1946.

Revision as of Jul 23, 2017 2:25:29 PM, edited by


610 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y.

Carbon already filed

June 17, 1946

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton, N.J.


I am glad to be able to send you $100.00, in answer to your letter asking for the raising of $200,000.00.

I was somewhat surprised, however, that your program calls only for the public education to awaken America and that it did not call for the awakening of all the citizens of the world, as we could hope for. It is to men like you that other men look upto for a better world and I should have thought that it would not have been too ambitious nor too daring a program for you to make such a statement.

Very truly yours,

Roger Wurmser .

  1. 518
