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Wivel, C.B., October 14, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 26, 2016 1:08:29 PM, created by

Eastern New Mexico College Portales, New Mexico School of Teacher Education October 14, 1947

Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Dr. Einstein:

You letter and the printed statement "The Last Hour Before Mignight" have been received. I wish to thank you very much for sending both of these to me. I wish furthermore to commend your committee for the fine scholarly attempts it is making to inform the American people of hte real situation at hand. Please continue your efforts as vigorously as you possible can.

Attached you will find my personal check for $5 which I hope in some small way will help the committee to continue its very good work.

Very sincerely yours, C. B. Wiver, Chairman School of Teacher Education cbw:pb