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Williams, Mrs. Jack, April 29, 1947

Revision as of Apr 27, 2017 10:09:03 AM, created by

Beaver, Okla. April 29, 1947

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton N. J.

Gentlemen: Thank you for your response to my inquiries. I think the information you have prepared in bul-letin and pamphlet form is very effective. Enclosed in a recent letter to you, I sent a list of names of acquaintances to be placed on your mailing list. In this letter are more names. If you do extensive mailing of this type, I wish to send more names. If you work through state and local directors, please advise me of the director nearest us. We would like to secure speakers to appear before our business and church groups if at all possible. We would be glad to pay the ex-pense of bringing speakers from Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Texas or Wichita, Kansas, these being the cities nearest us.


Mrs Jack Williams