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Wenrich, Christine, February 9, 1947

Revision as of Apr 7, 2015 10:43:20 AM, edited by

Miss Christine Wenrich 2002 Sandusky Avenue Kansas City 2, Kansas Feb. 9, 1947

Mr. Albert Einstein Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton, N.J.

Dear Mr. Einstein,

  Your letter and the inclosed pamphlet "Only Then Shall We Find Courage" impressed me greatly.  I have read them to my family, my students (I teach in a junior college), and my club (American Association of University Women).  
  I am sending my check for $10.00 and am expecting to collect more from Club members.  
  I should like very much to have more copies of the pamphlet.  I can use 10, 50, or more.  I shall try to place each one where it will do some good.  No one can read the pamphlet thoughtfully without being aroused to the need for such education as you urge.  
                               Very sincerely,
                                  Christine Wenrich