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Watt, Mrs. A.E., March 10, 1947


Revision as of Apr 13, 2015 10:09:00 AM, edited by


followers will automatically bring about lasting peace and brotherhood.  
  The Congregational Minister, who happened to be the first person to whom I handed a pamphlet, hurried one off with the promise to take the matter up with the Ministerial Association.  
  The Editor of our Republican weekly said he would work it into an editorial, but thus far I have not seen this done.  
  One woman wanted to know if Professor Einstein believes in God.  
  The Methodists are usually broader minded than other orthodox churches, so the other day I called on the M.E. Pastor as the one most likely to do something.  
  Mr. Moore was very friendly, told me of work that is being done within his denomination and gave me a "Brochure" it has published, which mentions Prof. Einstein's great work.  
  Then I asked Mr. Moore if a wider co-operation in this cause, which is not local or even national but global in the scope, is not needed?  
  This letter is becoming too lengthy, I fear, and my time is limited.  
                               Yours for universal brotherhood, 
                                  Aagot Esval Watt