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von Windegger, F.R., June 18, 1946

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The Plaza Bank of St. Louis Twelve Thirty Olive Street Saint Louis

F.R. vonWindegger President

June 18, 1946

Dear Dr. Einstein:

The enclosed little check is sent in answer to your appeal of June fifteenth. I am rather ashamed of its size and in extenuation, I think I should tell you that I have been making donations to Americans United, World Federalists, Dublin Com., Student Federalists, and have been the "angel" for the Missouri State Committee for World Federation. In my humble opinion it is not only necessary to tell the people that the future of mankind is now at stake, but also to call attention to the only means of saving the situation, which is, at a minimum, the amendment of the United Nations Charter to convert it into a limited world government with sufficient teeth to preserve the peace, not only to control the atomic bomb. So few people, even the atomic scientists themselves, seem to realize the necessity for a world order based on law, that I have been devoting all of my time, energy, strength, and funds to that purpose. With the exception of yourself and Dr. Urey, there are mighty few of the atomic scientists who are displaying the courage required to insist upon a world government.

In addition to my personal activities, this institution has for five years been issuing pamphlets such as the enclosed. We must have distributed several hundred thousand. There has been no expectation of additional business to pay the cost. This is done merely as a public educational service.

I believe that you will agree that we appreciated the seriousness of the situation and that you scientists, "Do not stand alone".

With my great respect and esteem,

Sincerely, [signature] F.R. von Windegger.

  1. 581


Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, First National Bank Building 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey