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Smith, Harrison B., December 13, 1946


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Harrison Bowne Smith 908 Kanawha Banking & Trust Company Building Charleston 1, West Virginia

December 13, 1946

Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey Dear Mr. Einstein:

  It is barely possible that you may remember me. I graduated from Princeton in 1920 and approximately ten years ago I had the pleasure of having several conversations with you of some length. Since that time my father, mother, and brother, who graduated from Princeton in 1930, have all died within a few months of each other. 
  I remember that in one of our conversations you told me that your favorite composer was Metzart and we also discussed Oswald Spengler's "Decline Of The West."
  I received this morning your communication dated December 11 and the bulletin entitled "Only Then Shall We Find Courage" written by you.   I am in entire sympathy with the ideas expressed and am only sorry that my gift to this cause can not be larger. 
  The Stradivari which I owned and upon which you played about ten years ago in your office in Princeton, is at the present time in New York City in the hands of a Luthier who is attempting to sell it.   My Peter Guarneri which you liked better,  and which I like better also,  I am retaining.   Until I sell this Stradivari and apply the proceeds to the substantial debt I have incurred in making a lump settlement to my ex-wife in lieu of alimony,  I will have to watch my finances closely.  When my Stradivari is sold and my debt substantially reduced I will voluntarily increase my gift to your committee. 
  I would like to have by return mail about ten copies of the small pamphlet entitled "Only Then Shall We Find Courage" and if there is an extra charge for these please bill me for them. 
  With my kindest personal regards and again assuring you of my entire sympathy with the thoughts expressed in your form letter, I remain  
        Sincerely and faithfully yours, 
         Harrison B. Smith 
