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Riley, William G., September 23, 1948.


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2141 Le Roy Place, Washington 8 D.C.

Sept. 23, 1948.

Emergency Committe of Atomic Scientists. Gentlemen:-

  I am enclosing a check for $250.00.  I hope it may be of some help;  altho I have some doubts:  there are some things money cannot buy. 
  I should like,  if possible,  to get a few copies of the editorial  "Don't Resign from the Human Race" in the Saturday Review of Literature for Aug. 7.   It is very much to the point. 
  All life is a contradiction, and the higher the form of life the greater the contradiction and Homo Sapiens seems to be the greatest sap of them all;  in fact it is human nature to be contrary.   War really never decided anything.  Civilized warfare is a contradiction in terms.  Public officials are supposed to swear on the Bible to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  But, as I understand it, one of the principal functions of the U. S. Supreme Court is to uphold the Constitution;  and it clearly states in the Bible,  by no less a person than Christ himself,  that "Thou shalt not swear". It is unfortunate for us that we developed the atomic bomb,  and especially that we used it for mass slaughter.   It is often mentioned that nobody wants war;  but I think many people want war,  at least in this country,  and very many more seem to be in effect trying to get this country into a war even altho they have no such intent.   And it has been stated more than once that we have the advantage in case of war of possessing the atomic bomb.   More than 150 years ago Tom Paine,  known as "America's god-father" said  "The world is my country,  to do good my religion";  and more recently the same idea has been expressed.   It is easy to blame some other nation.   Russia at times does not seem to try to co-operate with some of the other nations,  but one cannot blame her too much for that.   She lost more men in both of the 2 "World Wars" than any other nation I believe.   Nevertheless,  from a psychological standpoint,  I should say that she is better prepared to fight a great war than any other nation.   As a nation she has few inhibitions. 
  But the editorial in The Saturday Review of Literature brings out all the basic troubles with the world to-day better than I can.   Many or most of those who call themselves Christians,  which is basically a religion of love,  practice a religion of hate.  It has been truly said that a "victorious nation" afterwards takes over the vices of the "vanquisher?".   While we are trying to "reform" the rest of the world we seem to be losing our constitutional rights as individuals.  "Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom".   Year and hate are most destructive to the individual and to the nation harboring these emotions.  "As a man thinketh so is he". 
              Very sincerely, 
                William G. Riley