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[Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Jan 1948 Page 33, excerpt from: "A Message From Albert Einstein" ]

  Now still a little time remains for us to consider different paths leading to the establishment of a federation of nations in which men may develop and use their creative capacities to serve mankind.  Each one of us can do his part by working to bring about responsible pubic action based on understanding of the present crisis.  Through our campaign of public education on the simple facts of atomic energy and its social implications, we of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists have pledged our utmost effort to this end.  Friends have already subscribed nearly $400,000.00 of the one million dollars we need to carry out our minimum program.  I ask you to help us in fulfilling our task.  
         Faithfully yours, 
            A. Einstein 


Send one of these to Mrs. Russell Kirby Rivermere Bronxville N.Y.


Miss Judith Schoelkopf 647 Fourteenth St. N.E. Rochester Minnesota