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Paper from Reiss, R.N., February 25, 1946.


Revision as of May 15, 2015 2:14:30 PM, created by

Isaiah: ... "And  they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation, Neither shall they learn war any more." 
  The oneness must be understood in life; no one can be greater than that conception — the recognition of the identity of oneself with all the universe.  The whole is the sum of its parts and eventually there is no personal gain where there is injury to a part of the whole.  Our only hope lies in this ethical conception.  Each in his own place must identify himself with all his fellow men and know that he, in all he does and thinks is responsible for them and for the very existence of the planet upon which we live.  Then and only then will the scientists as well as all others, know what he must or must not do.  In reference to science, if this is the point in their pursuit of knowledge where the realization that that pursuit in itself foredooms the end of the world, then this wisdom should hold them in check.  
  The people of the world is an amorphous mass; taking specific form only in answer to specific needs.  The need, today, is the preservation of the earth.  The threat is science reaching its ultimate goal — the control of the atom.  The cause is man's idol worship — science's atomic fission being an end result of a chain of other idols.  The cure is the destruction of all idols, i.e., everything  that does not serve a purpose in the scheme of things for the common good of man.