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Paper from Reiss, R.N., February 25, 1946.


Revision as of May 15, 2015 1:42:28 PM, created by

  The universal moral and ethical truths that all men of wisdom come to realize,  are only understood after having lived in this world of non-absolute,  non-universal individuals.  And it is not transmittable from one generation to another,  as is science;  or from person to person as a proven whole or an accepted truth, except as influences or as a framework within which individual man freshly carves his own character.  And it is not a steady cumulative process gaining impetus and strength from generation to generation as does science, except as ethical and philosophical concepts that find expression in laws, institutions, forms of government; and these in turn have no more validity than the character of the men that at any time incorporate it. 
  Thus we see the always widening gap between the steady cumulative power of scientific progress and the fresh and ever struggling individual growth of each man toward spiritual strength within the advanced physical conditions of his environment. 
  Atomic disintegration so cumulatively achieved by generations and generations of man is now in the hands of this generation of man.  Man will err, as he always has; atomic power will not.  Unerring, definitive science is in the hands of erring, indefinitive, always freshly character forming man. 
                     THE FUTURE 
  Step by step, man is creating his own destruction:
    1) At present he can release the energy of the element uranium exactly as stated, "Energy equals matter times the square of the velocity of light."