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Posin, Daniel Q., March 17, 1948


Revision as of May 16, 2015 11:53:25 AM, created by

In my opinion, this is what should now be done:  Prof. Einstein and perhaps his associates should issue a call for a determined all-out campaign by the scientists to go out day and night to the people to speak to them re our world's problems of atomic bombs and war---the scientists should concentrate on this reaching of the people and never mind so much attention to legislative businesses or other intricate long-range fine ironing out of this and that---- if we reach millions of people in an unyielding persuasive campaign of education, we will be able to talk world government to them as the solution necessary----then we ask them to send individual letters to Truman demanding an offer of World Government to the world---we must not be deterred by Russian reluctance as demonstrated by the letter of the Soviet scientists.  Actually, they have not seen a world constitution yet (perhaps the Hutchins one is the one);  people must also be encouraged to send great numbers of delegates to Washington for the same purpose:  demand audience with Truman and State Department and call for offer of World Government... I know that thousands in North Dakota would be ready for this move now.  I just addressed the student body at the University in Grand Forks and they want the to come back and give another talk;  the governor has introduced me on the peace program, etc...  The scientists should go out full blast, I repeat, not to too many Committee meeetings, but to the people---it should all be synchronized;  they  (the scientists) should be prepared as to when to begin telling people to write Truman with the World Government request---so far I have been telling only to write to ECAS.... We must get agreement among those who are likely to agree,  we must then GO, talk;   on street corners--I MEAN IT;  everywhere;  and then tell them what to do--- someone must issue this call---it seems to me it should be Prof. Einstein and ECAS and possibly FAS, if they will go along;  and all other affiliates--- all possible groups,  a calling for the big push----will they do it? 