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Posin, Daniel Q., February 6, 1948

Revision as of May 16, 2015 10:58:15 AM, created by

                                                      RECD   Feb.9

Department of Physics North Dakota State College Fargo, North Dakota

Feb. 6, 1948

Prof. Albert Einstein Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau St; Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Dr. Einstein:

  Last night I completed a series of three talks before the members of the Methodist Church in Fargo.   This group constitutes one of the strongest champions of the cause of world peace and brotherhood that I have encountered.  After the address last night there occurred a spontaneous contribution of fund for you Committee and I am now enclosing the sum, in check, of $25.  I believe that in addition you will be hearing from many of these people in private correspondence.  
  With every good wish for our mutual cause,
     Yours truly, 
         D. Q. Posin 

cc Rev. L. White

    Rev. R. Hohn