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Posin, Daniel Q., December 19, 1947


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                           Dec. 19, 1947

Miss Mary E. Ray Room 28, 90 Nassau St Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Miss Ray:

  Thank you for your very nice letter of December 12.  I am very glad that you got a little kick out of the fact that Dr. Einstein found something of interest in my recent book---which won't be out, though, for a number of months. 
 The literature that you are sending will be in time for the talks scheduled for January-- the December ones ended last "Wednesday.

  Re Prof. Munk (not Monk, poor guy)--- what I had in mind for him was literature to distribute at some of his talks--- he is a professor of religion and philosophy, and also a minister, but in spite of all this he understands many things, including the need for spreading the message of peace, and the need for talking to great numbers of "ordinary" people, and even to the extraordinary ones.  At the moment he has the idea that men of religion (he's of the group of those liberal Methodists) and scientists together might somehow sponsor mass meetings from coast to coast... In any case, I hope that you can send him about 200 "Only Then.." and the "The Last Hour...". 
  I hope that people are still sending something in to you from these regions--- by the way, I just made my first speech on atomic energy while in motion relative to the snowy plains of North Dakota.  This sort of relativity problem, I think, could interest Dr. Einstein, for it combines both his special theory and his wonderful philosophy regarding the need for a single world community.  I made the speech in motion, on a train-- to a bunch of soldiers, and one civilian.  Some day you'll find out the details. 
          With every good wish, 
             D. Q. Posin