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Potter, John A., October 23, 1946.

Revision as of May 23, 2015 11:51:19 AM, created by

John A. Potter, M.E. Consulting Engineers 4838 Maywood, Los Angeles 41 AL. 5390 Oct 23, 1946

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientist Princeton, N.J.

Gentlemen: -

  Thank you for sending me a copy of "One World or None" to recompense you for your expense enclosed please find a dollar bill.  The book is now in use by the Discussion Group of the United Church of Eagle Rock, Calif.  
  Enclosed also is a copy of Henry Wallace's letter to Pres. Truman undoubtedly you have a copy of this, but anther may be useful.  
         Thanks again.  
               John A. Potter