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Poll, Leo, January 19, 1948.


Revision as of May 30, 2015 10:08:47 AM, created by

January 19,1948 4141 Broadway Chicago,Ill.

Dr. Albert Einstein

90 Nassau St; 

Princeton,N. J.

Dear Dr. Einstein:

From all parts of the world we hear one and the same cry: Crisis.  This means that the world is in CANCEREOUS stage in which never was before--and if we do not act now, tomorrow might--it will be too late. 
 For one reason or other most people are apathetic on what is going on--this, I believe, is due to lost confidene of man to man;  not people to people.  Mankind has been deceived too much--this cheating brought humanity to the present catastrophe.   To prevent the fail from the pan to the flame, we must act now --and to be careful of what we do now in order not to regret tomorrow for our deeds of today.

  If humanity was led by scientists and philosophers instead of fanatics rulers, officials of the army nad religins ,the people of the world could be far better off than they are today.  Humankind can progress only by free thinking people like Copernicus, Galideo, Thomas Paine, Jeremy Bentham and many others.  
 Enclosed You find acheck of $10,00 for this educational work.  
 In December 17, 1947, I sent a chack of &25,00, I wish to know if You received it.  
         Fraternally Yours,
          Leo Poll.