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Piller, Gene, December 10, 1946.

Revision as of Jun 3, 2015 9:43:54 AM, created by

Metro Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Culver-City California

Emergency Co. of Atomic Scientists Dr Albert Einstein Nov 30, 1946

112 Mercer St. Princeton, N.J. 12/10/46

FORWARDED BY, Daily News 1257 So. Los Angeles St. Los Angeles Calif.


  Recently, you printed an editorial concerning a group of physicists who are endeavoring to raise a million dollars to publicize the atom bomb as it really is.  I am completely in agreement with everything you said in your editorial,  and feel that everyone in the country should be.  The mill of misleading publicity that has been grinding the stuff out from the War, Navy, State Departments, Etc.,  has literally made the entire matter of the atom bomb a farce. 
  It isn't a farce. it isn't any kind of a joke, though it is not unlikely that the brasshats in Washington have slightly unusual senses of humor.  However, as you pointed out, there is a group of people in this country who know the subject better than any stuffed uniform or patronage diplomat in Washington, and therefore, is willing to accept the somberness of it. 
  They should be supported.  And a million dollars is far less than they deserve.  The NAM spends more than that every year.   If the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki could rise from their graves,  they would be the first to contribute to this cause.  The least we can do here is to give a dollar a person. 
         Yours Truly,
          Gene Pillar

Miriam - Receipt, & attach receipt to the letter for special handling- I have the covering letter from Daily News ---AT