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Pilchik, Ely E., September 9, 1947.


Revision as of Jun 5, 2015 1:57:15 PM, created by

Congregation B'nai Jeshurun

Ely E. Pilchik, Rabbi Isaiah Zeldin, Asst. Rabbi and Educational Director Solomon Foster, Rabbi Emeritus Dr. I.J. Rachlin, President

Sep 9, 2947

My dear Dr. Einstein:

  On the eve of our New Year, I want to wish you vigor and strength, physical and mental, that you may continue to teach as the ways of nature, and that you may pursue your heroic efforts to show here the castastrophic results of atomic wars.  It is my deep conviction that these efforts will achieve there objectives, and your words will be heard, and we shall not destroy this world. 
  May I enlist as a soldier under your generalship in this noblest of campaign.  I pledge to you my loyalty and my god-given faculties to spread your words.  
  Some day, in the near future, I hope to realize my years-long dream of seeing you and sitting at your feet.  
   Most Respectfully yours, 
     Ely E. Pilchik