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Paul, Maurice, June 17, 1947.


Revision as of Jun 7, 2015 12:50:40 PM, edited by

                                                        JUN 19   RECD

June 17, 1947

Dear Miss Ray,

  I'm terribly sorry about having taken so long to write you.   Fact is, I've been laid up at home with a bad leg (Old Age, here I come!)  and today (Wednesday) will be my first day back at work.
   I've only received your little note this day, too, and Rose and I hasten to assure you that we found everything out at Princeton very much to our liking, that includes town, the Tavern, the visit and you.  So, you need have no compunctions. Incidentally, Rose is captivated with you -- so, you're on solid ground there too! 
  Last week some chap rode up to the Delicatessen in a cab and buttonholed me for a quick interview. The following morning the results were broadcast over WCBS, Columbia Broadcasting System station for New York.   I'm enclosing a copy for you.   Rose and I got a kick out of the whole thing for most of it seems to have been presented with tongue-in-cheek. 
  We'll be more than delighted to have you as our guest when you get into N.Y,  next.   Try to let us know a day or so in advance if you can. 
  Rose is so completely taken by your college town that she is all for our making another trip just to go through the University and the town itself.  Perhaps we can supply the time and energy some weekday that business permits and amble off there as inconspicuously as possible.  Incidentally! We're a pair of swell Indian givers.  En route home from our visit with you,  we discovered that we had not given you our little gift of modern poetry!  Oh, well, you'll get your gift yet,  never fear!   Best wishes from Rose and Barry and--- 