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Oldfield, E.D., June 11, 1946.

Revision as of Sep 20, 2016 10:37:02 AM, created by

ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUS C.L. AMOS COAL COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1879 General Offices SYRACUSE, N.Y. LONG DISTANCE TEL. LD-59 ALL ORDERS AND CONTRACTS SUBJECT TO CAR SUPPLY, STRIKES, ACCIDENTS AND ALL CAUSES UNAVOIDABLE OR BEYOND OUR CONTROL. RAILROAD WEIGHTS GOVERN SETTLEMENTS. Prof. Albert Einstein Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, First Natl. Bank Bldg. 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey Dear Prof. Einstein: We are enclosing our check for $25.00 to be used by the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. Very truly yours C.L. AMOS COAL COMPANY E.D. Oldfield EDOepb Enclosure

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