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Odishaw, Hugh, May 6, 1948.

Revision as of Sep 20, 2016 10:30:46 AM, created by

May 6, 1948 Mr. A. Einstein Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 118 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey Dear Mr. Einstein: Thank you for your letter of April 28. Enclosed is my check for $50, intended for support of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. I believe that your committee is engaged in a valuable public service in these precarious times. From time to time rumors reach me of needless dissension among scientists: this, if true, is to be deeply regretted, for I fear that much of it has to do with super-fine points of order and detail rather than with basic issues. I only hope that your committee succeeds in focussing the attention of scientists as well as the public on the problems themselves. Sincerely yours, Hugh Odishaw 2929 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington 8, D.C.