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Nekrassoff, V.A., February 16, 1948

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                                                        FEB 18   RECD

V.A. Nekrassoff, Dr. Eng. Mechanical and Ordnance Engineer Ballistic Research Laboratory Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland

Address for letters:

143 Weber Street 
Havre de Grace

February 16th 1948.

Prof. Albert -Einstein,Chairman
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc.  90 Nassau St. 
Princeton, N.J. 

Dear Sir,

  It is very likely that till the end of my natural life ( I am 67 right now ) I never could have been so bold as to address you with my personal letter.  
  But, really, during the last years we all are passing through the life,  which hardly can be considered and accepted as  " a natural life".   And besides this, I just have received a circular letter from the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists signed by you. 
  I understand that the help expected from me by your Committee can be provided by me only in the form of a proverbial "widow's mite" i.e. - a few dollars which of course very gladly I am enclosing herewith. 
  But this is not the purpose of my letter, neither I ever would have bothered you with such a trifle.

  I have something more substantial, if I may say so, hoping that you will be generous enough to read my epistle through. 
In September 1945 I began to write a short popular article for the Russian Newspaper in New York... and I have been continually writing since that time till October 1947!   The Russian newspaper never saw its article simply because this "article" became a 200 page volume  (in Russian)!... 
  I suppose it is obvious enough that the subject of my writing is -Man and Atomic Energy... Or more specifically - what can be a general cosmic meaning of our present scientific knowledge considered in the perspective and correlation with the Evolutionary Process,  particularly in that its latest stage in which the Evolution of the Living World goes far beyond its merely Zoological or Biological aspects.