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Sensenig, Barton, No Date.

Revision as of Jun 10, 2015 4:05:17 PM, edited by

201 West Mt Pleasant Ave., Philadelphia 19, Pa.

Dear Professor Einstein:

  I am not a man of large income, receiving a compensation of only $1500 a year,  but I think enough of the work to be undertaken by the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists,  to make a dollar contribution to the cause.
   People must be led from national to international thinking.  Sovereignty must be surrendered in all nations to form the international world state.  Really,  the great mass of the people are farther on the road toward a world state than our senators and representatives are.  It seems to me that your committee should employ its greatest efforts in creating sentiment for the world state in the Department of State.  Intense nationalism must give way to world welfare.
   I have written a pamphlet in simple language as a suggestion for a world government,  entitled- "The Parliament of Man in a Federated World!" which I have sent to every senator and representative at my on expense;  and I am enclosing one of these pamphlets for your inspection.   
  There is high art in great simplicity, and I am sure that what I have written will be understood by the rank and file of the people.  You have my best wishes for success in raising your million  dollars. Keep on the people's level to be effective.       
          Barton Sensenig

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