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Robb, Walter, May 12, 1947.


Revision as of Jun 20, 2015 12:06:27 PM, created by

                                                         MAY 16   RECD

WALTER ROBS 554 2nd Avenue San Francisco 18 California

May 12 1947


  Your problem is the education of American opinion on the topic of Sunpower: atomic energy.   My observation as a newspaperman is that to date you have succeeded best in the field of the press--among newspapermen rather than in the broader field comprising their readers.  A further step might be for you to enlist some outstanding newspapermen in your behalf by direct acquaitanceship with them through correspondence;  so that they will spread the word,  help raise your first million dollars,  and other millions after that.   I think of Lee Shippey, Los Angeles Times: "The Lee Side o' Life;"  Vincent Mahoney, chief editorial writer,  the San Francisco Chronicle;  and Herb Caen, columnist,  same paper.   Actually, a formally organized auxiliary among such high-type Americans should be of the utmost aid to/you.   They would gladly help consistently. 
           Very sincerely yours,
             Walter Robb.
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists  90 Nassau Street, Princeton. 

I've sent your circular to f:iends in Manila. You have my chip-in, but please call on me again next year, should it arrive.