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Robb, Walter, April 30, 1947.

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                                                        MAY 5   RECD

WALTER ROBB 554 2nd Avenue San Francisco 18 California

April 30 1947


 Your courtey is gratefully appreciated,  in the invitation you extend us to contribute to your vitally important fund.  We will send only a trifle now, because we still await the rehabilitation of our income that was completely cut off by the war.   Later, if possible,  we shall be able to send something more;  if not,  then I think it will make no difference either way.   Destiny is at all our doors,  and in its train, Globation (World Government) on the one hand, Chaos on the other. 
  We cherish Dr. Einstein's signature, wishing we might lend something really worthwhile to the work.   As a newsparman, I think that if atomic energy is that of the Sun, which I have heard it is,  then I think it should be called sunpower (in the way men speak of horsepower, manpower, etc.), and that baptized under the technical term Atomic Energy it got off to a bad start,  so far as man's psychic is concerned.   If it is sunpower, it is God.   Power:  such things are important for common folk to know from their newspapers and their pulpits,  where the parable of the talents would be a propos.  My contention is that since a sense of what this power is has to be taught the heart,  then it has be taught in terms of the heart rather than in terms of the mind. 
  On the correlative topic of police (i. e., military) puissance in the United Nations, the French Foreign Legion seems to offer the best Precedent.  The U N might devise means of calling for recruits:  such service, with its opportunities for travel,  for getting acquainted with foreign peoples and acquiring knowledge of foreign languages, might prove adequately popular with the world' s young people.   I agree with the opinion in your pamphlet,  that contingents of various national armies assigned to the U N would not amalgamate into a homogeneous force. 
      Very respectfully,
        Walter Robb.

Emergency Committee of Atomic(Sunpower)Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey