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Moorman, C.A., June 18, 1946

Revision as of Jun 15, 2017 2:24:42 PM, created by

in business since 1885 Moorman Mfg. Co. Mineral feeds and mineralized protein concentrates block minerals ideal for self-feeding C.A. Moorman, President W.R. Hazle, Vice-President E.H. Wilson, General Manager Telephone 7100-1-2-3-4 Quincy, Ill. Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey Att'n: Mr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Gentlemen: Received your letter of June 15 and our Company is making a contribution of $100.00 which we hope will be of some help to the Emergency Committee. Enclosed is the Moorman Manufacturing Company's check. Yours very truly, C.A. Moorman CAM:FM For good results use Moorman's Minerals and Concentrates. To supply the feeds you need but cannot raise!