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Medlin, William J., No Date.

Revision as of Sep 14, 2014 11:10:18 AM, created by

2. this includes, scientists, artists, writers, composers and all other working creative minds, to educate the the masses of the peoples, to contribute their efforts for a lasting peace. Certainly if other groups are able to work for and use the great masses of peoples for uses of force, then the creative minds who are part of the effort needed to win by force (can organize against a thing that ultimately will make all constructive work unnessary, because there will be no need of it....... I can quite readily understand that NOW THE ADVOCATES OF MATERIALISTIC FORCE, MUST LISTEN TO THE CREATIVE MINDS**OR THEY WILL DESTROY THEM SELVES, IT IS OUR JOB TO SHOW THEM A BETTER WAY. The inventors, scientists, and creative and constructive men have made most of our present progress possible by their unselfish work, They would not like to see all their constructive efforts of history thrown on the junk heap of- materialistic ignorance.............. CREATIVE (WORKING FOLKS) CAN HELP BUILD A LASTING PEACE BY GETTING TOGETHER to work for a better world. If was has taught us anything it is that "We HAve Not Overcome Our Real Enemy-WAR ITSELF. NO ONE EVER WINS A WAR-it just looks that way for a short time........ As creative people we "love Our Work" even to the extent of allowing it's exploitation, because we too must live and achieve some measure if happiness. But we know that no war or means of force, has so far extinguished the light and truth, the earth is full of materialistic blind men who neglected the faculty to grasp this......

Because the working creative person"Does not make a lot of Political or economic noise," does not mean he is unaware of the lack of truth around him, but rather he is tolerant and sympathetic, hopeing that these people will stop all this childish bickering and get down to the business of creating and working for a better world, where men will love and help one another rather than seek to get what the other fellow has at any price....