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McFarland, J. Horace, May 6, 1948.


Revision as of Apr 13, 2015 2:38:38 PM, edited by

J. Horace McFarland Company Mount Pleasant Press Harrisburg, Pennsylvania May 6, 1948 Dear Dr. Einstein, Considering what you have done in and for the world, and how you are almost revered for your accomplishments, I suspect that no answer to this letter can be made, or indeed should be insisted upon, because there will be many telling you many things. But I am reading your circular letter of April 29 as I dictate. All that you say about the desirability of some form of protection against the destruction of making and your appeal to help promote a "campaign of education" I am taking into account. I am a man in a moderately prosperous business who has been accumulating goodwill, which is not put in transferable relations, and therefore I cannot make any more than a moderate contribution toward your million dollar fund. I can, however, tell you, as a man who for many years has been deeply related to advertising and public conduct in American, that judging from experience and comparison them amount you set up as desirable is hardly more than a mere beginning. I suspect, in consequence, that you have not given deep consideration to amounts, nor have you made clear in the literature accompanying your letter just how the money you will raise is to be expended. I can see a campaign for large sums, and I can also see a supplementary campaign, something like the one you are waging, in which a man like myself could feel as if he were doing something if he sent you $10 with a promise to send more when requested. Yours truly, J. Horace McFarland