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Markert, George W., October 14, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 17, 2016 9:27:42 AM, created by

a mighty protest and stop the War Mongers who are preaching hatred for people of other lands. Am enclosing circular from Emergency World Peoples Congress also two small leaflets.

Please Notice item "Ruth Nichols". This fine young lady is flying to other lands with her slave bringing the message of good will and righteousness. So let us join hands around the World so that the evil doers of our day will not succeed in destroying this and other lands.

I used to belong to a movement we wore lapel buttons "With Hands across the Sea" but when the first world war came we had to discard our buttons of International Brotherhood. Am enclosing Postage stamps to forward any literature  or message you wish to send me.

Yours respectfully George