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Levine, Louis, September 25, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 24, 2014 7:35:59 AM, created by

[Letterhead: LOUIS LEVINE MEMBER ASSOCIATION NY SCIENTISTS COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK, N.Y] 25 September '47 Dear Dr. Einstein Would deeply appreciate the favor if some reading material were forwarded to me here - since it is practically impossible to secure anything but outdated material it would be helpful to receive some of the material in reference to occurrences in the scientific world of note - particularly some of the material written by yourself - as you well know the [separation?] here is not the best. What with the Army in control of every thing here - since the scientists experience with Army Control in Atomic research it is hardly of [moment?] to mention any thing in connetion with the Army - Out here the scientist has been - is - will continue to be betrayed by those whom we desperately sought to protect - the ignorance-racism-viciousness-scurrilousness of tongue and manner is such that it is impossible to reconcile any of the personnel here with civilization - in other words they have reverted to the original savage form which is inherent in them - the scientist has no value here - they are all out for MONEY - since that is all that matters - it is brutal-degenerate-senseless-callous - yet there is nothing that can be done about it - it is very [remindful?] of the United Nations veto and Assembly - no one is home - especially to the scientist - GOD bless you and watch over you Sincerly Louis Levine