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Massera, Jose L., May 20, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 18, 2014 2:23:00 AM, created by

Palo Alto, May 20 Code [Pen?] [Per?] Dear Professor: Professor Gabor Szegö, the head of the Mathematical Department of Stanford University, has shown me the letter and pamphlets of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists which you have sent him. Although I am not an American - I am an Uruguayan Professor, now studying at Stanford as a Rockefeller fellow - I deeply sympathize with your purpose of promoting the understanding by the American people of the vast implications of the recent atomic developments, in order that a conscientious drive be initiated towards the outlawing of atomic weapons and the establishment of such an international cooperation which could prevent future wars. Therefore I am very glad to contribute with a small amount to your fund. I am sure that in Uruguay you shall find many scientists who will also be glad to join you in this task. I suggest you write to one of my colleagues, Professor Laguardia, asking his collaboration in order to have the contribution of men who work in the