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McCleneghan, Walter A., April 30, 1947.

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Commission on World Peace Southern California - Arozona Annual Conference of the Methodist Church Walter A. McCleneghan Executive Secretary 2347 Teviot Street Los Angeles 26, Calif. April 30, 1947 Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey.

My dear Dr. Einstein: You and your fellow member of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists are to be congratulated upon the sense of socila responsibility that has led to the organization and the work that it is doing. I think that it is very encouraging, as well as being extremely urgent.

Enclosed is a small contribution toward the educational program of your Committee. I wish it might be many times greater in amount, but I am going gull time work for this Commission at a small fraction of my salary last year in the pastorate, striving through this method to make a significant contribution to the building of peace.

I have just been on a two week's speaking tour of some of out churches in Arizona and have been using the Committee's statement concerning the facts "accepted by all scientists", together with quotations from your leaflet, "Only Then Shall We Find Courage." I am greatly indebted to them for increased emphasis which they give to action for peace.

If you would place my name on your mailing list for current materials which you are putting out, and send me a list of availbale materials, and prices, I would appreciate it greatly. As I go to the churches I take with me some of the most significant books and elaflets and pamphlets for sale or for free distribution, as the case may be. If there is a charge for sending a sample of your current materials as they come out, please advise me.

Again, my congratulations upon the work that you are doing. May it grow in power day by day.

Sincerely yours, Walter A McCleneghan Executive Secretary