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Levine, Louis, April 6, 1947.


Revision as of Mar 11, 2015 4:41:14 PM, edited by

[Letterhead: AIR MAIL] 2 would deeply appreciate your opinion of the feasibility - the logic contained on our deduction - for since E=MC2 mass equals energy and vice versa and to our power of appreciation of the vast difficulties which confront [man?] seeking the monotheistic equation you are the leader - Sincerely hoping-praying that you are in the best of health - GOD bless you and watch you Your Friend Louis Levine There is a great deal of fissionable material available here - since volcanic eruptions have caused great streams of lava which inundated several villages in the Hokkaido area of Japan - Japanese geologists from Hokkaido University have discovered U235 present there and the area has been closed off - would like to do something in reference to securing a sample of the material but lack the authority for it - would gladly do some work here if authority were vested in me by the proper authorities in U.S.