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Levine, Louis, April 6, 1947.


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[Letterhead: AIR MAIL] 6 April 1947 My dear Prof Einstein Wish to ask your opinion in reference to the material herein shown - whether the process is feasible or not. Within the nucleus there must be another set of whirling dervishes since the nucleus-deuterons-protons-electrons only cover the outer not the inner surface of the atom (see illustration below) [illustration of writer's conception of atom] negatrons-positrons-megatrons-betatrons in the heart of the atom cause its radioactivity since neutrons-deuterons-protons-electrons are only the electrical conductors of atomic energy it is therefore resonable to assume that the negatrons-positrons-megatrons betatrons within the atom cause the radioactivity - therefore two sets of reactions not one cause nuclear fission - the first is electric reaction followed immediately by the radioactive reaction - therein lies the best possible solution for further study of the inmost life of the atom - is there a third reaction? The release of the electrical energy within the atom also releases the radioactive content that is part of the atom and there may be a third part which is the equalizer - in other words electrical energy must be first released in order to secure the radioactivity which follows