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Licht, Emanuel H., April 1, 1947.

Revision as of May 31, 2016 9:30:45 AM, created by

April 1st, 1947 Prof. Albert Einstein Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc. Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey

Honored Sir: Please accept the enclosed contribution for the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc.

I am heartsick to see mental giants like you and your associates going through the futile effort of trying to make men aware of their danger, unless they curb their antagonisms. I sympthize with the fact that you must make the effort for fear that you may regret that you did not do so, even if futile.

The solution of the problem does not lie in the will of the men whom you want to enlighten. For thousands of years men and women have been conditioned, and are being conditioned daily, yes, even hourly, from childhood until death, to disrespect, to hate, to despise, to shame, to destroy, or at best, to tolerate each other. This is done under the guise of teaching them to love each other to please angry, murderous, pain-loving, blood hungry, intolerant, stake-burning, brimstone-roasting, unforgetting, vengeful, personal Gods.

Dr. Einstein, please do not take this matter of informing the people of their danger too seriously. Do not tire yourself in manner that you and your associates have up to now, by learning of His powers through the truthful methods of science, His Science. Forget that ethics which are merely man's idea of how man should curb his inhumanities to man; theories never practiced, because defeated by the voodooists or mystics who conditioned him to fear their Heavens and Hells, while turning him into a hating, unfeeling destructive animal.

Five million shamed, tortured, murdered Jewish men, women, and children, and four and one-half million unaccounted for in Christian,