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Levine, Louis, March 17, 1947.


Revision as of Oct 23, 2014 3:39:09 AM, created by

17 March 1947 Dear Professor Einstein Am herewith inclosing a tiny contribution for a share in Einstein Unlimited - the many hundreds of thousands already contributed are small this writer believes in comparison with our contribution - we have the ideas - facts - ideology that is part and parcel of yourself - we believe in and know of the presence - GOD - GOD HIMSELF does not want war - HE wants peace - only stupid - selfish - ignorant - two-legged animals who are known by name man want war - it is an innate bestiality in them of greed - mockery - derision of GOD that lead to all troubles - they are incompetent to bear responsibilities as MEN therefore seek others to pass the buck on to - they have no backbone - NOTHING - for years it is and has been my selfish desire to accumulate information of everything and anything - studied at Columbia and Wisconsin Universities - at the Yeshiva College where we studied the Old Testament and TRUTH - then passed examinations at Mechanics Institute in New York City for a position as instructer aeronautical dynamics at Chanute Field - Rantoul - Illinois - hammered away at physics - math - chemistry - from there to the Army Air Force School at 11 Park Place in NYC - more math - physics - chem - then to Fairchild Aviation Corporation in Jamaica Ny - where we studied the makeup and composition of cameras used for aerial reconaissance - [thence?] to Haaren High School - [44th? 59th?] St. in NYC to study radio - electronics - which involves study of math - physics - chemistry - and we are still IGNORANT- knowledge only comes through GOD - as does wisdom - that is why GOD has blessed you with knowledge and wisdom - the wisdom to appeal to people everywhere to behave and act like human beings not