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Levine, Louis, March 14, 1947.


Revision as of Oct 23, 2014 4:35:19 AM, created by

3/14/47 Dear Miss Fry Was thrilled beyond comprehension to see Professor Einsteins photo cover on the front of the March 10 issue of the Pacific Newsweek - please tell him that there is NOTHING that is within my power as a HUMAN that I would not do to aid any of his endeavors - enterprises to enlighten - educate the public - everyone who has any intelligence can read the exceptional intellectual look on his face and know that Albert Einstein has been and is blessed with the FINEST mind GOD gave to man since the days of moses - [more?] [illegible] the prophets - his humbleness in the midst of his greatness is what matters - please forward any information of note and please advise me of anything I can do to help - Yours Sincerely Louis Levine