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Magnuson, Warren G., December 16, 1946.

Revision as of Nov 5, 2014 3:52:57 PM, edited by

Josiah W. Bailey, N.C., Chairman John H. Overton, LA. Theodore G. Bilbo, Miss. George L. Radcliffe, MD. Claude Pepper, Fla. James M. Mead, N.Y. W. Lee O'Daniel, Tex. Pat McCarran, Nev. John L. McClellan, Ark. Warren G. Magnuson, Wash. Charles C. Gossett, Idaho Arthur H. Vandenberg, Mich. Owen Brewster, Maine Alexander Wiley, Wis. Edward V. Robertson, Wyo. Guy Cordon, Oreg. C. Wayland Brooks, Ill. Thomas C. Hart, Conn. William F. Knowland, Calif. Kidd Brewer, Clerk Eloise Porter, Asst. Clerk

United States Senate Committee on Commerce

December 16, 1946 Dr. Albert Einstein, Director Emergency Committee for Atomic Scientists, Inc. 625 Madison Avenue New York, New York

Dear Dr. Einstein: This is for the purpose of transmitting the enclosed check from Mr. J. H. Charroin of 3201 West Roxbury, Seattle, Washington. This is in appreciation of the Committee's efforts which were recently refereed to in an editor-ial in the SEATTLE STAR of Seattle, Washington. The check was sent to this office by Mr. Cliff Harrison, Editor of the SEATTLE STAR.

Sincerely, Warren G. Magnuson, U.S.S.

WGM: bgg

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