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Kolthoff, I. M., August 18, 1947.

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University of Minnesota Institute of Technology Minneapolis, 14 School of Chemistry Division of Analytical Chemistry August 18, 1947 Professor Albert Einstein Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Professor Einstein: I just returned from a trip to Europe and found your circular letter of August 6 on my desk. Attached herewith is a check in the amount of $3 as a further contribution to the Emergency Committee. I fully subscribe to the statement of the Lake Geneva Conference. Speaking in very general terms, I wonder whether the scientists as a group are conscious of their responsibilities in regard to the prosecution of a war. It is generally recognized that a modern war is fought with weapons provided by science. Will the scientists all over the world put their talents again at the disposal of their governments in the next war? Do you not think that an international meeting of scientists might be organized in the near future for a discussion of the topic how scientists can contribute to the preservation of peace? I fully appreciate how difficult it will be to arrive at a satisfactory solution. However, I feel that providing information to the people of the nation and of the world does not absolve the scientists from their responsibility of making scientific warfare possible. Yours very sincerely, I.M. Kolthoff IMK:MJM Enclosure