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Kelban, Mrs. Anna, February 1, 1947.

Revision as of Feb 20, 2015 10:20:42 AM, created by

49 Tapscott St. [illegible] 12, N.Y. Feb. 1, 1947

Dear Mr. Einstein,

Received your letter of appeal addressed to my son Harold for whom I am enclosing one (1) dollar. He is a student and his funds are very limited.

Being fully in accord with you campaign and appreciating the scientists efforts in directing atomic energy for the benefit [double underscore] of mankind, I took it upon my-self to make a collection amongst my relations and neighbors and so enclose ad-ditional six (6) dollars. Suffice it to say that were they in better circumstances, they would have contributed more handsomely. However I'm passing on the duplicate appeal and hope you get a response.

Wishing you God speed and happiness in your work, Sincerely yours, Mrs. Anna Kelban