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Jonson, Raymond, March 3, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 16, 2014 4:49:33 PM, created by

Raymond Jonson

609 Camino Atalaya

Santa Fe New Mexico

March 3 1947

My dear Albert Einstein:

I want to be one that answers your plea for help in connection with the need for the complete elimination of war.

Unfortunately I am in no financial condition to assist to any worthwhile degree. But as a gesture of good will I ask you to accept this mall amount of 3.00. In spite of it's smallness realize a sacrifice is involved.

Being a creative artist does not place one in a fortunate financial position but it does place one in a position of understanding and appreciation.

Please know herewith that I am one of your admirers!

Most sincerely yours,

Raymond Jonson