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Jones, Stephen S., September 8, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 16, 2014 4:36:04 PM, edited by

1309 Torbett Street

Richland, Washington

September 8, 1947

Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists

Room 28, 90 Nassau Street

Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Dr. Einstein:

A number of months ago you sent me a letter of appeal for funds for an essential task. I sincerely regret this delay in my response and I trust that this check for $10.00 will find your drive for funds well over the desired million dollars.

I am in full agreement with the ideas expressed in your letter, and you may be sure that more money will be forth coming at a later date. In the meantime please feel free to call upon me if there is some way that I can be of service.

You may be interested in writing to the people on the enclosed list; who among my acquaintances are the ones most likely to contribute to your program.

Yours Sincerely,

Stephen S. Jones

Enclosures: 2.