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Jannotta, Stella Skiff, February 7, 1948.


Revision as of Jun 25, 2017 4:59:50 PM, created by


statesmanship now, not military generals at the helm. Henry Wallace voices the right sentiments for peace. 5. Let America call a World Conference for World Disarmament. "The people" of the world want Peace. Great minds can achieve it. Confused thinking cannot. To compare a system of economics, Communism in Russia with a system of government, democracy in America is double-edged confusion. They are not comparable. Communism must be compared with our Capitalism. Our daily Capitalist Press is now very busy scratching up reasons to hate and fight Russia. The making of public opinion is quite "safely" in their control. We, the people, need a Peoples Daily Press, speaking for us, the people, and endowed by the little dollars of us the people, millions of those dollars. We have had enough of capitalist-bred wars. Let us have The People's Daily Press present our cause at every mass meeting.

Stella Skiff Jannotta.