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Graham, John Y., December 15, 1946.

Revision as of Mar 18, 2017 4:37:15 PM, created by

P.O. Box 156, ROBERTS, Wisconsin December 15, 1946

Prof. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, N.J.

Dear Sir:

I have before me your letter of December 11 That so few of the public seem to be aware of the catastrophic dimensions of the atom bomb as a threat to our civilization causes me deep concern. I enclose a small check. I wish it could be larger. But the inflation and the necessity of helping a GI relative solve the housing problem impose limitations.

Will you please send "Only Then Shall We Find Courage and Dean Gauss' "Is Einstein Right?" To Hon.Lloyd Rundell, Roberts, Wis and Judge Robert G. Varnum, Hudson, Wis Mr. E. Dudley Parsons, 4210 Aldem Drive, Minneapolis, Minn.

Thanking you very much,

Yours sincerely,

John Y. Graham (signature) John Y. Graham