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Heilprin, Frances Miss, August 24, 1946

Revision as of Mar 15, 2017 9:28:19 AM, edited by

Ashfield Mass., August 24/46

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Princeton, New Jersey

Enclosed is a small contribution toward the fund for public educational campaign on the implications, or the responsibilities, perhaps I should have said, of atomic energy constructively applied. Would you be kind enough to note that 2.00 came from Dr. Anna Kraslow

Dr. Leon Levine 1060 Park Avenue New York 28, N.Y.

For the balance of this check, no acknowledgement is necessary. Others to whom I have written in this connection have - I hope - communicated directly with your office.

Is there a leaflet or other form, on your letterhead, carrying the appeal which appeared in the New Republic, July 8? If there is, could one secure a limited number of copies for private distribution? I believe that this would be a more effective enclosure than my own copies which look less authorized than they might. I have tried to send these to members of associations which, - if they are not already cooperating with the National Committee on Atomic Information, - might utilizie their organization to do this. All of which might be better done by far - and perhaps is being handled - by one of those "public relations" service offices which have been so successful in launching ideas much less important than yours. The machinery of such service used to be very costly (beginning at about $30,000. This sum was mentioned to me ten or more years ago, in connection with a hoped-for campaign of public information on our policy of embargo against the republic of Spain; t the amount seemed small by comparison with the amounts being raised for relief and military purposes). Perhaps it is a matter of greater expenditure now, -fund-raising, I mean, for a campaign of this kind.

Last, but first in the order of personal wishes, may I acknowledge with special appreciation, Professor Einstein's letter of July 31st? It was so kind and generous of him to send it; but it troubled me to think that his time was spent so, -unless it could bear fruit greater than the limited individual effort of a person like the writer. Indeed it did act as a spur to more continuous attempts to widen the circulation of your message, than I believe would otherwise been the case. With good wishes for the speedy raising of the needed fund,

Sincerely yours,

Frances Heilprin (signature)